Allison – 5 Month Update

Allison – 5 Month Update

Allie turned 5 months on Tuesday, January 26. This past month seemed to fly by. I hear a lot of moms say “the days are long, but the years are short” and I disagree. I’m shocked by how fast our days go by.

I love watching Allie grow and develop more into a little person each day. She is such a happy baby. She is always smiling, giggling and talking to herself.

We haven’t seen the doctor recently so we won’t know her measurements until her 6 month appointment.

5 months


  • jumping in her baby einstein jumperoo
  • holding hands
  • eating
  • looking at the TV
  • playing at Little Beans
  • being in public
  • loud noises
  • driving in the car



  • sleeping in her crib at night
  • when you’re not paying attention to her
  • being hungry

Eating: We started giving Allie solids! She is just getting the feel for swallowing food and tends to push most of it out with her tongue. She doesn’t seem super ready for solid food so we are just having fun right now. Breastmilk and formula are her main sources of nutrition. I nurse Allie right when she wakes up and then 4 times throughout the day. She’s also getting 4 bottles of formula. Each bottle has 4oz, but we might need to bump that up to 5 or 6oz soon.

We are thinking about stopping breastfeeding when Allie is 6 months old. We want to try to get pregnant again naturally and my doctor said women are most fertile the year after they’ve had a baby. The act of breastfeeding naturally changes a woman’s hormones to prevent them from ovulating. So we’re hoping if I stop breastfeeding, I’ll get my period and we’ll be able to try for baby #2. If we don’t get pregnant naturally we’re planning on doing IVF again in August.

Sleep: Allie is still sleeping in our bed at night and I’m okay with it. I thought I was ready to move her to the crib in January and I did try for a week, but it didn’t last. Tony and I both want her to stay with us for a little longer. Please don’t judge. My baby is only going to be a baby for so long and I want her close right now.

We usually put her to bed around 6:30-7:00pm and she wakes up around 6:00-6:30am. She takes a long morning nap and two short afternoon naps. 


She’s wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes.

She can roll from stomach to back and back to stomach.

She has good control of her thumb and can hold objects for a long period of time.

She can alomst sit up all by herself.

She knows she has feet and will touch them, but she doesn’t grab them often.

Happy 5 months, Allie! Mommy loves you so much!

About Sara


  1. Sara, she’s beautiful!!! There’s absolutely no judging here! Diapers co slept with me so I could nurse him ever 2 hours – otherwise it was brutal!! I will say however that breastfeeding is not a 100% sure birth control method. I got pregnant when Diapers was 6 months while I was breastfeeding. Unfortunately that ended as a chemical pregnancy but just wanted to share my experience. I wish you all the best with giving Allie a sibling! I’m looking forward to Diapers having a brother ?
    PantsuitsMom recently posted..16 Weeks and Big News!

    • Thank you for sharing!! I don’t think we’ll be able to get pregnant naturally but I still want to try. I actually enjoy co sleeping and I know we probably won’t be able to with two kids so I’m enjoying it while I can.

  2. She’s so beautiful!!! Happy 5 months!

  3. 5 months! Wow! She’s so pretty and just looks like such a happy one! I think we’re going to do the same thing as you with solids. Slowly start but I want to do the BLW attempt around 6 months
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  4. We missed you on Saturday! And how is it that I still haven’t met the little princess?
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  5. No judging here on the co-sleeping. It’s not for me but my husband would probably want us to! I understand why people do it though and I’ve done the research to know it is totally safe if you take the right precautions.

    Breastfeeding (even partially) for 6 months is a huge accomplishment! Don’t feel bad if you stop then. I gave myself a goal to go 7 months (1 month after I return to work to at least try pumping) and then am going to decide how much longer I want to it after that, partially based on how much milk i’m even getting from pumping since I already have supply issues. I may have to take it month by month.
    Nicole recently posted..Call Me Coach

    • Thank you, Nicole! And 7 months is amazing too. I hope pumping at work goes well for you. My twin sister did it for a whole year!! I have no idea how women do it.

  6. You don’t have a period? I started my period once Axel started sleeping through the night (about 6 weeks postpartum) and I’m still exclusively breastfeeding. How did I get so unlucky!? Haha. That’s great that you are ready to start trying again! I don’t know how parents manage more than one!

    What type of formula do you use to supplement? Did you have to try out a few or did you just pick one and go with it? We are thinking about supplementing with a bottle before bed because I can’t always keep up with Axel’s appetite.

    Oh, and I am the exact same way about having Axel close to me. He still sleeps in the pak n’ play in our room. My husband is ready to transition him to the nursery, but our nursery is upstairs and what feels like a mile away. I’m just not ready.
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    • The nursery is too far away! Now we just need a king size bed. I’m going to really miss her when we eventually transition to the crib.

      We tried a couple of different of formulas and we ended up with Similac Sensitive. It’s the only one that doesn’t upset Allie’s stomach. My friend loves Honest brand, but it was so expensive.

  7. I agree that that the days fly by!! And yay for good sleepers :).

    I’m curious, because I’ve been scared to try it, how does she sleep in your bed with you (over the covers, in the middle of you, under the covers?). There are days when I’d love to take naps with her but I want to make sure I’m doing it safely!
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    • Yes! Yay for good sleepers! Allie sleeps in the middle and we don’t pull the covers up or near her. We make sure to keep all blankets and pillows away from her. She sleeps really well with us. I’m worried she won’t sleep as well in her crib, but eventually we’ll put her there at night.

  8. She is too adorable for words! Those cheeks and that smile!!! She looks like such a happy, giggly little girl!!!

    I’d never heard that before about how you are most fertile in the year after giving birth. The human body is an amazing thing, isn’t it? You must be so excited to bring Allie a new baby brother or sister!
    Emily @ Out and About recently posted..Runfessions

  9. Look at that sweet little nugget! She is so close to sitting up by herself.
    I can also attest to the extra fertility of the first year after a baby. I got my period back when Swede was nine months old and got accidentally pregnant immediately after even though I was still breast-feeding. I did miscarry at 9 weeks but the super-fertility is definitely true, so hopefully it will work out for you naturally for #2!
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  10. A friend of mine got pregnant naturally somewhat shortly after having a baby with “help” (not sure exactly what they did). Good luck!! 🙂 Allie is so cute!! That’s funny that she likes loud noises. And adorable that she likes holding hands 🙂
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  11. Ahh that is so exciting that you’re going to start trying again!! Best of luck to you!
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  12. Rock and I were JUST talking about this yesterday. I feel like I was just taking her for her first walk in the stroller and here we are 6 months later and she’s crawling and eating all sorts of foods! It is so awesome.

    You are so brave with thinking about #2 within the year. Knowing we needed some fertility assistance, I don’t want to wait too long. But I don’t think I can handle another one before she is closer to 1 1/2 or 2! You are a super mom.

    Also, one thing I have learned is that there is no way to judge any mom, ever. Rules are meant to be broken. People ask us all sorts of things we are doing or not doing, and I don’t care. It is working for us and I am so proud of our family. When we transitioned to the crib she did it easily so it wasn’t a big deal. Had it not, who knows where we would have gone! You’re a great mom!
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  13. Sara! She’s beautiful!!! There’s absolutely no judging here! I will say however that breastfeeding is not a 100% sure birth control method, my sister is evidence of this, falling pregnant straight away after her first. I got pregnant when diapers was 6 months while I was breastfeeding.

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