Baby # 3 – 25 Weeks

Baby # 3 – 25 Weeks

Pregnancy Update – 25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks

Due date? December 12, 2020

Baby’s size? Baby is actually measuring small. At my 24 week appointment, my doctor did an ultrasound because my stomach is measuring at 21 weeks. The ultrasound looked good except the baby is on the smaller side. They want to do growth ultrasounds once a month to make sure the baby continues to grow.


Monday: 3 miles with Lauren my friend from Chicago
Tuesday: 4 miles with Bri at Pheasant Branch
Wednesday: Rest, but lots of steps at the farm for Allie’s birthday
Thursday: 3 miles around our apartment with Emily
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: 2 miles. We went for a family run around Wingra lake, but we cut the run short because I had horrible pain. Might have been Braxton hicks?
Sunday: 6 miles with Debbie in Fitchburg

Maternity clothes? Wearing size medium leggings and a mix of maternity and non-maternity clothes.

Sleep: Sleeping 8 hours at night and trying to nap when I can.

Best moment this week: Allie’s 5th birthday.

Miss Anything? Running comfortably.

Movement: I feel her kicking a lot at night.

Food cravings: apples, peaches, peanut butter.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!

Gender: Girl!

Name: Lilliana Kay Larsen

Symptoms: Running slower, feeling huge, headaches

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody: Very emotional!

Looking forward to: Fall and cool temps!

About Sara

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