Baby #3 – Week 16

Baby #3 – Week 16

We’ve made it to month 4 with baby #3. I have good days and bad days. I’m still exhausted, but that might be because I’m chasing after my 2 other kids all day.

We had a really great weekend visiting my family and friends in IL. It’s bittersweet going home. I really miss my old life, family and friends, but I’m also starting to focus on the life we are creating here in Middleton. I’m very thankful I can go home once a month and it’s only a 2.5 hour drive.

So happy to be with cousins!

On Saturday we saw our good friends, Chantal, Lucy and Jonah, and had the best time running around a field even though it was really hot. Saturday night my Mom put the kids to bed so I could go see my friends Amy, Chantal, and Jenn! We all sat 6 feet apart on Amy’s patio and talked for 4 hours – it was so nice!

Sunday morning we said good bye to my Mom, which is always sad and drove north to meet our friends to go strawberry picking. It was another hot day, but we had so much fun picking berries and enjoyed catching up while we ate lunch.

Eva and Allie in their strawberry dresses 🙂
Logan really needs a haircut!

Pregnancy Update – 16 Weeks

How far along? 16 weeks + 2 days

Due date? December 12, 2020

Baby’s size? She’s the size of a large avocado!

Workouts: Most weeks I’m working out 4-5x’s per week. It’s been harder to fit exercise in this pregnancy because I don’t have stroller strides or Burn Boot Camp child care. So I have to get my workouts in at 6am or run with the double stroller which is not easy with all the hills in Wisconsin. Waking up at 5am when your pregnant has been hard, but I’m proud of myself for doing it at least 4 times per week.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run with my new friend Bri
Wednesday: Burn Boot Camp – upper body
Thursday: Run with my new friend Emily
Friday: Rest – drove home to IL
Saturday: 6 mile run with Monica and Karen. It was so nice to catch up!
Sunday: Rest – drove back to WI

Maternity clothes? None yet, just wearing leggings.

Stretch marks? No.

Sleep: I wish I could sleep 10-12 hours most night, but that doesn’t happy because I’m either waking up early to workout or Logan wakes up early. I’m trying to nap when I can.

Best moment this week: Seeing family and friends!

Miss Anything? Running fast, burn boot camp child care. Living near my family and friends.

Movement: Before bed I can feel her a little bit.

Food cravings: I’m finally not craving as many carbs. This week I like cucumbers again and salads!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling too full or too hungry. And when I don’t get enough water or sleep I’ve been getting really bad headaches.

Gender: Girl!

Name: Lillyana Kay Larsen

Symptoms: I’m getting big! Much faster this time. I’m exhausted and getting headaches.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody: Feeling pretty happy this week.

Looking forward to: Going on the boat for the 4th of July, my next OB appointment, and visiting our friends in Michigan in 2 weeks.

About Sara


  1. Congratulations on pregnancy 3 and on your big move!!

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