Day At Wrigley

Day At Wrigley

Tom Ricketts and The Chicago Cubs hosted Season Ticket Holder Appreciation Day at Wrigley Field on Friday.

My Dad has been obsessed with the Cubs my entire life. I remember feeling so special when my Dad would take my twin sister and I to the Cubs game. He has been on the wait list for season tickets for at least fifteen years and was finally offered to buy them this year. So this was a very special day for my Dad.

Once we arrived at Wrigley we settled into our seats for the greeting. Tom Ricketts thanked us for coming out and couldn’t have been nicer. We spent at least fifteen minutes talking to him. After Ricketts spoke, we were pretty much given free reign in the park.Β  We could go into the clubhouses, the dugouts, the press box, the PNC Club, and out onto the field.

Even the infield was open for walking on, and many people chose to run the bases, pitch from the pitcher’s mound and just get an up close look at the bases and the actual size of the field.

It was a fantastic day and an experience I will definitely never forget.

Now if only the Cubs could start winning!

About Sara


  1. Wow..super cool. Plus great weather for a day at Cubbie Town. Nice bonding between dad and his girls. Great to see this type of bond…in this day in age those customs are seldom seen.

    Oh BTW…you have a twin? lol πŸ™‚

    • Thanks for commenting Abe! Are you a Cubs fan? We have lots of extra tickets if you’re ever interested.

      The girl next to me in the picture is my twin sister. We’re fraternal and do not look a like. We think I might have been switched at birth. πŸ˜‰

      • I’m a New Yorker born/raised…and a Yankee Fan. On day two of arriving to Chicago I went to my first cub game. So I adopted the cubbies while I’m in Chitown. πŸ™‚

        Thanks for the offer..I might have to take you up on that one day. πŸ™‚

        Switched at birth…now we have the making of a Blog Movie. lol

  2. Bigsissy says

    See, I really throw people off bc I my name on here, heh. Let it be known that I am older by a minute!

    Had a great time with my Ra!!

  3. Bigsissy says

    Sara pegged me bigsissy. I always thought it was funny to be called a sissy heh

  4. what a wonderful day! πŸ™‚ It’s truly special that your dad is finally getting the tickets that he waited so long for πŸ™‚

    It’s terrible that I’ve lived in Chicago for 6 years and only a few blocks away from Wrigley field for a year and have never been to a ball game!

  5. Bigsissy says

    Sara is rara (rahrah)- how I pronounced her name when I was a baby. Also prophetic given her cheerleading future :p

  6. Aww, I’m glad you had such a fun day! (and I wish my team would have a winning season, too…it’s the Pirates, LOL….) πŸ™‚

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