How Motherhood Has Changed Me

How Motherhood Has Changed Me

There is something so amazing about motherhood and I absolutely love it.

But there are hard moments. Days when I feel like I have no patience left. Mornings when all I can think of is crawling back into bed. Moments when I think there’s no way I’m cut out for this whole motherhood thing.

But those moments are in the minority.

On August 26, 2015, I held Allie for the first time, kissed her head, and it changed my life for the better. ย 5 months

How Motherhood Has Changed Me

  • I’m learning to let go. To let go of the day’s events, the day’s to-dos, and the day’s goals. I’m embracing the beauty of of living in the moment and the unexpected.
  • My career is on the back burner and I’m okay with it.
  • I have so many irrational fears that I never had before. In my mind, the world out there is a permanently unsafe place for my child.
  • A long hot shower is pretty much my favorite thing.

5 months old

  • I would rather spend time with Allie than train for a marathon. As much as I would love to run a spring marathon this year, it just doesn’t feel right. Training would take too much time away from her and I’m not ready for that yet.
  • I am aware of my own mortality. I was never scared to die before Allie and now I live my life a lot more careful, knowing my life now has a new meaning.

5 months

  • I am less brave. Or, possibly, less stupid. Now, how my actions affect my family is my first concern in everything I do.
  • I used to set an alarm to wake up even on the weekends. I haven’t used an alarm since we came home from the hospital because we are always up before 6:30am.

It’s not all about me anymore. Now I’m lucky if I even get a shower. My life is for her. Everything I do is for her. Not one second goes by that I’m not consumed by thoughts of anxiety, worry, joy, and pure love.

Parents: How has your life changed since having a child?

About Sara


  1. I definitely wouldn’t say less brave–you are a mom with a child. What is more brave than that?
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted..(New Hair) Triumphs and (Marathon) Trials : Weekend Recap

  2. I can relate to all of this! I’ve heard that the anxiety gets better with time because we’ll be busier, especially as we add more kids to the mix. I hope that’s true!
    Emily @ Perfection Isn’t Happy recently posted..I Joined Periscope

  3. I can relate to so many of these things! Letting go is the hardest part for me, for sure. And a hot shower and coffee that’s actually hot are my favorite things these days!
    Katie @ Live Half Full recently posted..Catching Up

  4. Loved reading this Sara! ๐Ÿ™‚ You seem like you’re doing such a great job!
    alexandra @ my urban family recently posted..Friday Favorites Week 25

  5. This is so spot on and beautifully written Sara! A hot shower is one of my favorite things ever these days too ๐Ÿ™‚ Being a Mama changes you for sure, and I’d have to say that putting my career on the backburner too (especially lately) is something I never thought I would do, but feels “right” for this season of my life. Work and the opportunity to make money will always be there, but our babies won’t be little forever! I’m already getting sad thinking about Little Miss being in preschool next year!! lol
    Christina @ Embracing Simple recently posted..2016 Reader Survey

    • Omg she’s already going to preschool? How exciting and sad at the same time. Since having Allie I have really realized that being a mom is my most important job so that’s where I’m putting all my time and energy.

  6. Love, love, love this. I can relate to all of it! It’s just indescribable how much you change after having a kid, even if you are “the same.” I’m glad you’re being open about not being comfortable running a marathon yet. It does take up so much time and that’s hard to find balance with a baby. It will all fall back into place when it should ๐Ÿ™‚
    Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections recently posted..V-Day Weekend + Blog Updates

    • Thank you, Melissa! I agree about it falling back into place eventually. There will always be a marathon for me to sign up for, but Allie will only be young once. Also, I don’t want to force myself to train when I’m just not feeling it.

  7. Oh, This is a really sweet and wonderful post. One unexpected way I’ve changed since become a mother is I’m more sensitive to sad book and movies. Especially if they involve young children, but it could be anything. It’s like my emotions are always much closer to the surface.
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  8. I agree. Parenthood can really change a person. And all for the better. For me, I manage to become less-workaholic.
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  9. It is nuts how it changes you in ways you would never imagine. I find that while I am training for a marathon, I don’t mess around like I used to. Up and out the door and back as soon as I can. I find that I need a daily run to feel like myself. Being at home all day (most days) with Mary, I started to lose my sense of self (and patience). Running keeps me grounded.

    The mortality thing is interesting. I notice how much more careful I drive and walk and everything. And last week we applied for life insurance. It was scary and almost morbid!

    Isn’t it funny how some days you think you’ve got this whole thing figured out? And then the next she is fussy and cries all day and you feel like you were totally wrong? It is a great adventure. I am loving it too!
    Sarah recently posted..I Have A Serious Lack of Coordination

    • It is a great adventure, Sarah! They really do change so much.

      I’m running 5-6 days a week because I need it to feel like myself too. It’s my self care time. But I’m only running 3-4 miles & long runs on Saturday.

  10. Great post ! I know this is an older one but I am catching up. I totally get the mortality thing- I never want to leave her. It kind of makes me sad that it’s pretty inevitable that I’ll have to leave her one day (lets hope I leave first).
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