It’s Getting Easier

It’s Getting Easier

Like I mentioned in my last post, this mommy stuff isn’t easy. But things are starting to click and today it feels like it’s getting a little easier. Maybe it’s not getting easier, but I’m getting better at it? I’m feeling a little less exhausted (I must be getting used to 4 hours of sleep) and less hormonal.

Tummy time

I’m trying to create some routine with Allie because I need routine to be able to function. I started reading the book Baby Wise and I really like the approach. It is a controversial book, but I enjoy the parenting style because I prefer a schedule and I think it’s helping already. The main points in the book include: promoting full feedings instead of snacking, frequent daytime feedings and awake periods (with the Eat–>Wake–>Sleep cycle) to help baby distinguish day from night, teaching baby to fall asleep on his own and the importance of sleep to both a baby and parents.


Another thing that has been helping is wearing Allie to get things done. My sister in-law, Mellissa bought me a Tula and I’m obsessed with it. Like most newborns, Allie is pretty clingy that wants to be held constantly. This prevents me from getting anything done during the day, but when I use the Tula I can live my normal life. For example, today I ate breakfast, went for a walk, went to the grocery store, prepped dinner, and ate lunch all while wearing Allie in the Tula. Every Mom needs one!

Today is a good day. I’m feeling like my old happy self again. Please keep your fingers crossed things continue to get easier and Allie starts sleeping through the night.

Moms: when did things start clicking and getting easier for you?

About Sara


  1. I’m so glad to hear that things are going well! A routine was a life saver for my son as well- just a simple sleep, eat, play gave some structure to our days so I can so relate with you! I had a Moby wrap that was the best thing EVER! Allie is just so beautiful! Enjoy this special time with your daughter!

  2. Wow I just went and researched the controversy over baby wise. I had t highly recommended to me by three friends, all of whom have thriving, healthy (and huge!) babies who sleep through the night. I think it’s important to remember that the book encourages flexibility in the schedule and requires parental judgment to work. I still plan to use it!
    Nicole recently posted..Bumpdate Weeks 36-37

    • I’ve heard great things & terrible things. I’m definitely not going to let my baby starve or let her cry for long periods of time. I think it’s especially important to be flexible when you have a newborn.
      Sara recently posted..It’s Getting Easier

  3. I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling a bit more like yourself 🙂 I’m sure things will get easier. Also, you and Allie look adorable together in that photo!
    Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted..Friday Favorites Week 6

  4. I’m so glad that things are starting to feel better! I feel like I might be getting there too — my hormones are finally leveling out. Feel free to email me anytime because I’m sure we
    must be going through a lot of the same things right now! I’m also following the Baby Wise method and think it’s going to work well! She still sleeps a lot so it’s hard to tell right now.
    Emily @ Perfection Isn’t Happy recently posted..The First Two Weeks

  5. I really liked the Baby Wise book and then I read the reviews, man oh man! But it seems like every baby-related thing is that way… people either love or hate it!
    Katie @ Live Half Full recently posted..Meals & Workouts 9/13-9/19

  6. Yay for baby wearing! I scheduled with my first (via CHERISH the First Six Weeks by Helen Moon instead of Baby Wise but a similar concept) and it was a life-saver for me. Hopefully it works as well baby #2 (due in December)!
    Kelly recently posted..Quick Weekend

  7. At the recommendation of many, I just ordered the K’Tan so I can start wearing Axel around the house when I am trying to get things done. It seems to work really well for many. Plus, it kills two birds with one stone by getting that skin to skin time. I am also reading Baby Wise.

    It sounds like things are getting a little easier. I feel like the past week has been a complete blur and the days just kind of run together. I don’t even know if I know what day it is. Haha!

    It’s been fun reading about your experience because I am right behind you. Connecting with others going through similar experiences has been really helpful for me.
    Kristen @ Glitter and Dust recently posted..Axel’s Birth Story

  8. You look so fabulous!! I’m glad to hear that things are getting easier, those first few weeks can be real hell if we are all being honest lol. Being a Mom is great, but it’s really such a huge lifestyle change that is very hard to get used to at first! For me personally, I would say things started getting drastically easier around 4-6 weeks, and then even easier at 3 months, and easier again at 6 months, and then a piece of cake after I stopped breastfeeding just after a year (mostly because she started sleeping through the night after ending BFing…this isn’t very typical that babies sleep as poorly as Little Miss did lol!). I think the biggest thing is that your hormones start to even out after around 4-6 weeks and that’s what made a huge difference to me!

    Can’t wait to see you girl on Sunday!!!! 🙂
    Christina @ Embracing Simple recently posted..August 2015 Blog Income and Traffic Report

  9. I’m glad things are getting easier! I don’t like sticking with a schedule so I had a “go with the flow” mentality that worked alright for us. I read your previous post and breastfeeding is REALLY HARD in the beginning! I think it does get easier once you and Allie both get the hang of things and each other!

    I think I had 1 carrier before I had my daughter and I ended up with 3 afterwards. I did a whole shopping trip once with little Patsy in the Baby Bjorn! I have an Ergo Baby carrier and I really love it because you can nurse while wearing it. It gives a whole new level of multi tasking!
    Kelly @ Running Kellometers recently posted..Happy 2nd Birthday Patsy!

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