Pregnancy Update – 26 Weeks

Pregnancy Update – 26 Weeks

Tony and I had a great time in Milwaukee and visiting his parents. I had a cold all week, but I didn’t let that ruin our vacation. I took it easy with exercise and made sure to get lots of rest. We went to a couple good restaurants, went to a Brewers baseball game and spent a lot of time walking around Milwaukee. We were only able to see his parents for two days, but it was really nice to catch up. Tony’s Dad just had knee surgery and has been stuck in the house for weeks so we took him on a couple adventures out of the house and he said it was the most fun he’s had in a long time. 🙂

River Walk in Milwaukee

River Walk in Milwaukee



Brewers Game

Pregnancy Update – 26 Weeks

26 Week Pregnant

How far along? 26 weeks + 3 days

Due date? September 6, 2015

Baby’s size? Baby Allie is the size of an eggplant (around 9.2 inches and 2 lbs.). My stomach is getting really round!

Workouts: I was sick with a head and chest cold so I took it easy and did a lot of walking with Tony.

  • Monday: 2 mile run + 2 mile walk
  • Tuesday: 3.5 mile AM walk by the river + hours walking around Milwaukee
  • Wednesday: 3 mile AM walk by the river
  • Thursday: 4.5 mile hilly walk w/ Tony at his parents house
  • Friday: 4 mile walk w/ Tony
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: 1 mile run, 1 mile walk + 30 mins on the elliptical

Denmark, WI

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I’m wearing my regular workout clothes. I still need to buy a few maxi dresses.

Sleep: Sleeping 8-10 hours each night.

Best moment this week: Vacation with Tony and Allie’s movements.

Miss Anything? Running without any pelvic pressure.

Movement: I FINALLY FELT BIG MOVEMENTS! Tony was able to feel her kick on Saturday.

Food cravings: I’ve been craving a lot of fruit lately, especially watermelon.


Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week! :)

Gender: Girl!

Name: Allison Kay Larsen

Symptoms: Pelvic pressure when I run.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody: I was a little extra moody because I was sick all week.

Looking forward to: Our baby furniture is being delivered on Friday.

About Sara

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