Soldier Field 10 Mile Race Recap 2015

Soldier Field 10 Mile Race Recap 2015

I have been waiting for this day for a long time. This morning I ran my first race in a year, first race since I started fertility treatments/IVF, and my first race since being pregnant (six months + 1 week).

The Fleet Feet Sports Soldier Field Mile race is one my favorites. It’s a great way to kick off Memorial Day weekend and it’s Chicago Endurance Sports goal race for spring training which means I get to run with my favorite CES family and all the participants I coached over the last few months. This race was also really special because my Mom and Tony came to cheer for me.

Running for two

I wore my Running For Two t-shirt proudly.


The race began at 7:00AM and I had my alarm set for 4:30AM, but of course I woke up hungry and excited at 3:15AM and couldn’t fall back asleep. I had everything set up the night before so all I had to was get dressed and head out the door. I arrived early and spent the extra time chatting with the CES runners.

As soon as the National Anthem started I hugged my Mom goodbye and lined up with 11:30 pace group. My two good friends, Autumn and Sarah were pacing so we hung out together before we finally crossed the start line around 7:40AM.

As soon as we started running I knew 11:30 pace was too slow. I wanted to take it easy, but I knew I should listen to my body and run by feel. I didn’t wear my Garmin so I just ran my comfortable pace the entire time.

The first half of the race is run on Lake Shore Drive and it’s when I felt the most uncomfortable because Allie was sitting on my bladder. As soon as we turned around to run on the lakefront path she moved and it made the rest of the race a lot more enjoyable. I really tried to be in the moment and appreciate the beautiful views of the skyline and lake.

There was plenty of support with water, sports drinks and port-a-potties along the way, but I didn’t stop because I was carrying my own water bottle and my goal was to run without any walk breaks. Around mile 7 I ran into my friend Brooke and we finished the race together. I’m used to coaching and talking when I run so it was nice to have some good conversation for the last 3 miles.


The run ended on the 50 yard line and I finished in 1:46! I felt extremely happy and proud at the finish and I heard a lot of kind words when people saw my “Running for Two” shirt. It was a great morning and I couldn’t have done it with out the support from my Mom, Tony, and everyone who runs with CES!


About Sara


  1. Great job on the race!
    Patty recently posted..[Race Recap] Chase Corporate Challenge: Chicago, May 21

  2. So awesome! Congrats!
    erin recently posted..Being not okay

  3. Sharon Hillhouse says

    Yay, I had so much fun.

  4. Great job Sara! Too much I missed you yesterday.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted..Quarryman Challenge 10 Mile

  5. You two did an awesome job! I’m glad Allie moved to sit in a different place for the return trip! Congrats again! 🙂
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  1. […] Saturday: 10 miles at 10:40 pace while running Soldier Field 10 Mile […]

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