A Very Good Day

A Very Good Day

Sunday was a very good day.

I finally had a great run.

I had a great conversation with my coach about my goals for the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon and Chicago Marathon.ย  I love how motivated and excited I feel after I talk to him.

And then I went to Wrigley Field to see Paul McCartney in concert.


I loved every minute of it. It was a perfect night at Wrigley Field. The energy was overwhelming. The band was phenomenal and Paul was a total pro as a musician and entertainer. Most of the songs were Beatles hits, but he mixes it up nicely with his solo and Wings material. He had so much energy and played for nearly 3 hours.

It was a really great evening. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope you have a great Monday!


Iโ€™m proud to be running with DetermiNation and Iโ€™m shooting to raise $1,000. Please consider supporting me with a donation. My Fundraising Page.



About Sara


  1. So lucky ๐Ÿ™‚ I saw Paul last summer in Pittsburgh and he was awesome. I can’t believe how much he plays! He was also my very first concert ever when I was 6 yrs old and my parents took me to see him in Philly. I still remember it and knew all the words then!

    • What a great first concert. I can’t believe how much energy he had. He acted more like someone in their 40’s not 60’s. He was amazing!

  2. Yay for good runs! And that concert looked great- glad you had a fun time!

  3. That sounds like a fun concert!! I didn’t know they had concerts at Wrigley, but I bet it would be amazing to see one there! ๐Ÿ™‚ You have a good Monday and second week!!

    • Thanks Cherie! I’m hoping I feel a little more comfortable at work this week.

      I don’t think they have a lot of concerts at Wrigley… I bet most White Sox fans didn’t like him playing there.

  4. YAY for a great run! I’m so glad you had an awesome day. Here’s hoping your week continues in the same way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. So glad you had such a great run and a good time at the concert! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I know you’re going to rock the race! ๐Ÿ™‚

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