Allison – 6 Month Update

Allison – 6 Month Update

Happy half-birthday, Allie!

Allie turned 6 months on Friday, February 26th. It’s crazy to think how much she has changed in such a short amount of time. Allie was a cranky and colicky newborn and now she is such a calm and happy baby.

We had her 6 month check-up on Friday and she has grown so much! At 4 months she wasn’t gaining weight and went down to 2nd percentile for weight and now she’s 37th percentile. YAY!

Weight: 15 lbs. 8 oz. – 37 percentile
Length: 25.51 inches – 33 percentile
Head: 40.6 cm. – 9 percentile




  • sleeping in her crib
  • being held by mommy
  • putting everything in her mouth
  • sleeping on her stomach
  • holding her toes
  • being in her car seat



  • being hungry

Eating: We are officially done nursing. I slowly started cutting back on our nursing sessions two weeks ago. She started getting very upset and would hit me whenever I nursed her because she wasn’t getting much milk. I am definitely feeling emotional about it ending, but I’m also really proud that we made it 6 months.

We have been giving her solid foods since she turned 4 months old, but she just started liking it this weekend. She hated everything we gave her and now all of sudden she loves solid foods. We’ve given her: avocado, sweet potato, pear, peas, apple, banana. She’s my little monkey so of course banana is her favorite. 🙂

Sleep: OMG…this is the biggest change! Allie is finally sleeping in her crib!!! Tony wanted her to stay in our bed, but I knew we’d both sleep better if she was in her crib. So when Tony was out of town last week I did some sleep training on my own. The plan was to do whatever it took to keep her in her crib and avoid bringing her back into our bed. The first two nights went really well, but she was waking up 4:30am which she hadn’t done in months. So I gave her a bottle and then put her back into her crib. On the third night she didn’t wake up at all and slept from 6:00pm to 6:00am. 🙂 And now she has been doing that for a full week. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I think she’s really starting to like her crib too.


She’s wearing size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes.

She likes to roll all over the living room floor.

She can almost sit up all by herself.

She started sleeping on her stomach.

She just started playing with her feet.

She is the happiest baby.


Happy 6 months, Allie! Mommy loves you so much!

About Sara


  1. She is beautiful!

  2. Great update. Little Allie is so lucky to have you for a mom!

  3. Aww she’s so cute and I’m glad everything is going so well!!

    Congrats on making it to six months of breastfeeding!!

    glad the crib transition went well! I am still waiting for Siena to drop her early morning feeding.
    Nicole recently posted..Oatmeal Peanut Butter Protein Balls

  4. Happy Half Birthday Allie! I am so glad the transition to sleeping in her crib went so well!
    Kelly @ Noodle to the Rescue recently posted..Fitness Friday – February 2016

  5. Yay for making it six months of nursing! And YAY for crib and sleeping 12 hours! Ahhh that is huge! Seriously, Sara, if she keeps that up I promise a few weeks of that will be LIFE changing for you. Those nightly wake ups are just the pits. I really hope her sleep is on the upswing now! I know Claire slept way better in her crib too.
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  6. Yay happy half birthday to Allie! Congrats on making the crib transition 🙂
    alexandra @ my urban family recently posted..Friday Favorites Week 27

  7. Our girls have so much in common! Although, Amelia is still not a big fan of the car seat. So funny how some babies love it and others hate it!

    Yay for 12 hours of sleep at night! We usually get about 12 hours too, but with teething, this past month has been a little bit different. I never know if she’s going to wake up in pain or not!

  8. I can’t believe that she is half a year! I will never forget the night that she decided to arrive…
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  9. So cute! Isn’t it crazy how fast it passes?!
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  10. What a cutie!! It doesn’t sound like she has many dislikes right now. Axel is the same way about being hungry… he has also been protesting diaper changes (what is up with that?)

    I’m glad to hear the transition to the crib went well. Our day is coming soon… why is it so dang hard for me???
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  11. She is getting so big!!! And she is just as beautiful and full of smiles as always!!

  12. She is beautiful! Can I borrow her for a few hours? I PROMISE I will giver her back. 🙂

  13. I can’t believe how big she is getting!!! YAY for her sleeping through the night, that is a godsend!!! And wow on the quick adjustment to liking solid foods, too!!! LOL on the “little monkey” reference for the like of bananas, that is very cute. =)

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