Allison’s Birth Story: Part One

Allison’s Birth Story: Part One

It all began on Tuesday, August 25th when I decided to go to coaching. I was 38 weeks + 2 days pregnant and my doctor had told me on Monday that I wasn’t dilated and it might be awhile before baby Allie arrives. She told me to live my normal life. So I did and I knew going to Fleet Feet to coach with CES would cheer me up. The other coaches and runners are like family to me and I wanted to see them at least one more time before I gave birth. Well, little did I know we would be meeting Allie so soon.

It was my turn to do the coaching announcements and once I was done coach Michel, Alex, Susie, Sam, and Chris gave me flowers, a present and two sweet cards that all the runners had signed. It meant the world to me to have so many people show their love and support.

After announcements and abs we went to the lake shore path for a ladder workout. I ran 3 miles and I felt really good. Around 8:00p.m. we arrived back at Fleet Feet and I was standing outside talking to a few of the coaches and all of sudden I felt something in my underwear. At first I thought it was more of my mucus plug coming out, but as soon as I started walking to the bathroom there was a gush of water that came down my legs. I made it to the toilet and the water wasn’t stopping so I ran around the store to get my stuff and told the other coaches what had happened. I was shaking when I told them.

I wasn’t having strong contractions at the time, but I knew I had to hurry home. A couple of the coaches tried to stop me because they didn’t want me driving home, but I didn’t want to leave my car in the city. Coach Michael walked me to my car and then I called Tony and my Mom to let them know my water had broke.

With nerves racing, I excitedly drove the 30 minutes home thinking “I’m going to meet my baby soon!”

I arrived home at 8:30p.m., Tony had everything to go and we jumped in his car to head to the hospital to have our baby. We arrived at the Highland Park Hospital at 9:00p.m. At this point I was uncomfortable, but not really in terrible pain. Just lots of cramping.

Before Birth

At 9:45p.m. my Mom and twin sister arrived to the hospital. The cramping was getting stronger and I was STARVING! My last meal had been at noon when I ate lunch. I ate a luna bar right before coaching, but I was so excited when my water broke I didn’t think to eat anything. The nurse said I could have clear food so I ate a couple of popsicles and jellos while waiting for the nurse to check me.

By 2:45a.m. I was only 2cm and 50% effaced, but the nurse said she was very low and could feel her head. Since I wasn’t making much progress we started the pitocin. This is when things got intense. The pain was getting bad enough where I couldn’t talk and the contractions began to feel closer and closer together. Going into labor, I was already comfortable with the decision to have an epidural if I felt like I needed it at some point, so when the nurse, my Mom and Tony brought up the option, I said yes.


At 7:30a.m. on Wednesday my favorite nurse, Violetta checked me and I was 5cm – yay progress! The bad news was that the pitocin made the contractions really strong and they were causing Allie’s heart rate to go down. This happened a couple of times that morning so they had to put me on oxygen.

Last photo of a family of 2

Here’s the last photo of us being a family of two.

Part two coming soon…


About Sara


  1. Wow, you were brave to drive 30 minutes home that day! I’m looking forward to Part 2 of Allie’s birth story! 🙂
    Pete B recently posted..Chicago Marathon Training: At the Halfway Point

  2. Wow! What did you do when you got home and waited for Tony?! I would have been going CRAZY!
    Katie @ Live Half Full recently posted..New Mom Survival Kit

  3. Ah, the cliff hanger! Can’t wait to read part 2!
    Alexandra recently posted..The Best Apple Picking and Donuts in Chicagoland

  4. How exciting!!!! And crazy that you ran three miles the night before giving birth! You’re amazing!!! I can’t imagine how exiting that drive home for you was 🙂
    Maggie recently posted..What to do with all these herbs, part 3

  5. I was so confused that you were all weird when leaving (and so suddenly) until I actually figured out what was going on and then was like OMG.
    Also, you are the most perfect looking preggo about to give birth lady ever. I will be a hot mess. We missed you last night! I had to hold it up for the ladies!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted..Healthy “Peach Salsa” Egg White Omelet Recipe

    • You didn’t see the huge puddle on the ground? LOL My Mom did get a few good shots of me, but she got a lot where I was looking like a hot mess.

  6. Oh this is so exciting to read! My water broke while we were getting our car seat installed. I too wasn’t sure if it was that or just what had been going on the last few days. They had to put me on pitocin as well. And they kept upping it and nothing was happening. The following morning they announced that I had a second water bag and they needed to break it. Let me tell you, when they did that…..all of that pitocin kicked in. I tell you this because when you said that your family recommended the epidural that was exactly what Rock did. As soon as those real contractions started he told me I needed that epidural. I have no idea how people go without it!
    Sarah Dudek recently posted..Good For You!

  7. Thank goodness for modern medicine! I really don’t think I could have done it without an epidural. I enjoyed the experience a whole lot more because I didn’t feel like I was dying. lol

  8. How exciting!!! I continuously worry about my water breaking when out and about, but was told that it’s not actually that common for water to break before other symptoms occur first. You are one of the lucky ones, I guess. 🙂 I bet the running helped – maybe I should go do a few loops around the block. Haha! Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story…
    Kristen @ Glitter and Dust recently posted..Week 37; Working Overtime, Messy Emotions, and Good News From the Doctor

    • I always imagined my water breaking in the middle of the night so this was a big surprise! I definitely think it happened because this was my first run since I lost my mucus plug. Once you lose that I would try to do a couple laps around the block. 🙂
      Sara recently posted..Allison’s Birth Story: Part One

  9. Congrats! It’s so rare for water to break like that so it’s fun to hear stories that start that way 🙂 looking forward to part 2!
    Nicole recently posted..Incorporating Yoga Into Prenatal Fitness With Wildfire Life

  10. Hi Sara! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I’m a huge running enthusiast myself so I know I’ll be stopping by your blog frequently! Thank you for your comment on mine as well! Enjoy your sweet girl and savor the snuggles!

  11. Still cannot get over you drove 30 minutes to get home. I mean, I understand the reason but I would be too scared and nervous.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted..Chicago Marathon Training Recap Week #6


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