Let It Go

Let It Go

Confession: I am a control freak. Let it go

When I was a little girl I would drive my parents crazy by asking them a million questions about what we were doing, where were we going, when we were eating, etc. I wanted routine and I needed to know what was happening next or my anxiety would skyrocket.

Over the years, I’ve learned that I can’t control everything. When I was in college my anxiety was extremely high and one day I decided I needed to let some things go. Life was going by too fast and I was sick of living in fear and being so anxious all the time.

I decided to let go of the things I couldn’t control and my life has been so much easier ever since. There are plenty of other things I can obsess about and control (trust me).

Here are a few things I’ve let go of:

  • Time and getting older. I can’t stop the clock. I can’t make my baby stay little forever. I can’t stop my parents from getting older. I can’t control life or death. People are going to die and there’s nothing I can do about it.
  • Other people. I can’t control my sister. I can’t control my husband. I can tell them my opinion, but I’m never going to be able to control them.
  • What people think. I’m still working on this one, but I don’t care about what people think of me near as much as I used to. People are going to judge me no matter what.
  • Tony’s schedule. I love to plan and make schedules, but Tony doesn’t. It actually causes him anxiety and stress so I’ve stopped trying to control his schedule.
  • Making people happy. We all have to make ourselves happy. I can’t do it for you, even if I really want to.

Are you a control freak? 

About Sara


  1. Nope, no control freak here. At least I do not think so.
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  2. As you can probably tell I’m a HUGE control freak! Rich sounds the same way as Tony, but now with Buel and school and work he can’t live without a schedule and he’s so used to me. SO, he now needs to know our schedule for the week. It really helps, but it takes a lot of effort not to be stressed when things don’t go as planned!
    Katie @ Live Half Full recently posted..Meals & Workouts 1/10

  3. i like a rough outline of a plan, but i think as I’ve become a mom i’ve had no choice but to go with the flow more often.
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  4. I’m with you on wanting to have control over things but it definitely helps to recognize it and try to let some of that go sometimes. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
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  5. It’s silly, but I like “Let It Go” too! I find myself singing the song when I’m in particularly tough situations.
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  6. I read this last night but am just now getting around to commenting. I think I am cut from a very similar mold as you. I like having control, too. Anytime I’m going out to eat with friends, family, or coworkers, I am militant about knowing where we are going. I always want to look at the menu in advance to decide what I want to order.

    This is a FANTASTIC list of things to let go of, especially that of folks aging. I always struggle with letting go of what other people think of me!!!
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  7. Hmm, I kinda needed this post. I have been a little obsessed with planning out every single aspect of my day lately. In my head I’m always running through to the to- do list. I’m going to do THIS, then THIS, then THIS, etc… And of course how often does life go according to plan with little kids?! Never. Let it GO! 🙂
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  8. Oh girl, you and I could be twins. I am really trying to work on the “what people think of me” and “making people happy”. I have a hard time with these for some reason. I have always been somewhat self-conscious and always worry about how I am perceived by others. Why? I don’t know. I don’t like feeling this way though. Thankfully, since becoming a mom I worry less and less about these things. Also, I am trying to be less of a schedule Nazi. This one has been a little easier for me because you just can’t really have a “set” schedule with a baby! Haha.
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    • Since becoming a mom I worry a lot less about what people think of me too. There’s so much judgement about how I should be raising my kids and I’m choosing to just ignore it all.

  9. I am totally a control freak. I have had moments of letting go through the years, but never fully like I hope to. Motherhood has been a whole different roller coaster of letting go. Lately my hardest thing to let go of is having the house clean all the time. This week I tried to stay on top of it better because my husband made a comment about how the cleaning fairy isn’t showing up anymore. I felt like I cleaned all day long but then come Friday afternoon, it was all in shambles anyway!
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