Snow + Pumpkin Muffins

Snow + Pumpkin Muffins

I’m currently sitting in our front room looking at this beautiful winter wonderland.


We were supposed to run the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot this morning, but it was 15 degrees and way too cold to bring a 12 week old baby outside. I’m glad we decided to stay home because last night was rough. Allie must be growing because she was screaming and wanting to eat every 3 hours.


Early yesterday morning I coached with CES in the city. We dealt with a lot of rain and slush during the run. The first half we had the wind at our face and it felt like ice chips were hitting us. The run back to the store was much more enjoyable.

It was raining in the city, but we had around 6 inches of snow in Glenview. Tony was excited to use his snow blower for the first time this year. Since this was Allie’s first snow storm we had to get a picture. She was only out there for less than a minute but she was not thrilled. She hates the cold like her Mommy.


The rest of the weekend was spent inside. We relaxed, watched a lot of football, and I tested a few recipes.


My oatmeal pumpkin muffin recipe turned out so good! I’m pretty sure we only have two muffins left and we might be fighting over them.

pumpkin muffins

Healthy Oatmeal Pumpkin Muffins

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 22 minutes

Total Time: 27 minutes

Yield: 12 muffins

Serving Size: 1 muffin


  • 2 and 1/4 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grease a muffin tin for 12 muffins.
  2. Place all ingredients into a big bowl and mix well.
  3. Add the chocolate chips.
  4. Bake in the oven for 22 minutes and allow to cool for 10 minutes.

Did you get any snow this weekend? Do you like the cold?Β 

I don’t like being cold, but I think the snow is beautiful and a must for it to feel like the holidays.

About Sara


  1. Those oatmeal pumpkin cookies sound delish! I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies a couple weeks ago (definitely not healthy) and am always looking for different pumpkin recipes. πŸ™‚

    I can’t believe you have snow already. We have yet to see the white stiff fall, but are supposed to get a few inches on Tuesday or Wednesday. My husband just bought a huge John Deer snow blower and can’t wait to use it. I keep joking with him that I may not see him until the spring once it snows. He’ll be removing snow for the entire neighborhood!

    I can’t wait to see how Axel reacts to the snow. πŸ™‚
    Kristen @ Glitter and Dust recently posted..A State of Preparation

    • I love everything pumpkin! What is up with men loving snow blowing? It would be my least favorite chore so I’m glad Tony loves it. How are you going to keep Axel warm in his car seat during the winter? I need to buy Allie a snow suit or something.

  2. I’m loving this weather, it makes me want to sit inside and relax with the little man! πŸ™‚
    Katie @ Live Half Full recently posted..Weekly Meals 11/22

  3. I love the snow in Dec/Jan, but by Feb, and definitely by March, I am so over it! I like being outside in the winter as long as I’m dressed warmly enough. I just bought a pair of boots rated to -25 degrees so hopefully I’ve got the cold feet taken care of this year! πŸ™‚
    I made pumpkin-cheesecake bars this weekend… A little less healthy, but very delicious. I have some leftover pumpkin I think I’ll use on these muffins.
    Kelly @ Noodle to the Rescue recently posted..Happy Birthday Swede!!!

    • Let me know if you make the muffins. Pumpkin cheesecake bars sounds delicious. I love the snow during the holidays too, but the rest of the year I’ll take 75 degrees. πŸ™‚

  4. The picture of Allie in the snow cracked me up. You are right–she’s like her mama and would prefer to stay inside. Smart kid. These muffins look so good. I might be making them this week!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted..Finding your Happy Place + I’m No Quitter πŸ˜€ Weekend Recap

  5. Yum! And I’m with you two – not super happy with the cold! Glad to know Thanksgiving will be warming up πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great first Thanksgiving with Allie!!
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  6. Too bad I didn’t get to see you guys at the race, but it looks like you guys had a great day staying at home! πŸ™‚
    Pete B recently posted..Lincolnwood Turkey Trot 2015 10k Race Recap

  7. Mmm the muffins look great. I love pumpkin anything πŸ™‚

    Claire hates the cold too. We tried to take her to this outdoor Santa’s Market craft fair thing and it was 40 degrees and super windy. She was SCREAMING the entire time until we went inside. That’s not that cold but it’s the coldest she’s ever felt here in Texas so she was like what the heck mom? Not a happy camper in the cold!

  8. Love that picture of Allie and Tony! Oh, and that wind was brutal on Saturday.
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  9. Well done! Nice post! This really helps me to find the answers to my question. Hoping, that you will continue posting articles having lots of useful information. Thanks a lot!.

  10. Pumpkin Muffins recipe is really excellent! thank you very much to share this excellent recipe.

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  1. […] we came home and starting baking. We made chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, and my favorite pumpkin muffins. I brought this big tray of treats to the CES holiday run and everyone loved the pumpkin […]

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