Stroller Strides (Fit4Mom)

Stroller Strides (Fit4Mom)

I found out about Fit4Mom when I was searching online for local mom groups. As you may know, working out with a stroller is a serious workout in itself since you have the stroller, carseat, and a baby. I was excited to meet other moms in the area and exercise with Allie.

Fit4Mom is a exercise program designed by moms for moms to help make strides in fitness, motherhood, and life. It had been 8 weeks since Allie was born and I was feeling the need to get out, meet some new moms, and get a little exercise, so this seemed like the whole package. 

Fit4Mom Chicago location offers a few different classes and I decided to try the Stroller Strides class. The group meets at Little Beans in Evanston (in the spring and summer, the class will meet outdoors when the weather is nice). I arrived 10 minutes early and was kindly greeted by Jessica, the instructor and we chatted for a few minutes. Shortly after everyone arrived, we began with the warm up, which involved getting the babies in a big circle while us moms warmed up our bodies with some marching, squats, and lunges.stroller strides

The class is designed as a circuit style workout.  We complete a total of 5 stations that incorporate strength and resistance, coupled with short cardio bursts.  We use resistance bands and our own body weight to complete most of the exercises. While we are doing all of this, we are continually interacting with our babies by singing songs to them as we workout.

The core of the class is about 45 minutes with 10-15 minutes of cool down.  After we finish, we get our little ones out of their strollers and allow them to play at Little Beans, feed and interact while us moms chat and get to know each other.

stoller strides

I loved the class! As soon as I got home I purchased the 10 pack class package and I plan on going next Tuesday.

About Sara


  1. Looks like fun! Classes and groups like this are the #1 thing I miss about living in a small town vs a city.
    Kelly @ Noodle to the Rescue recently posted..Trip to Denver [October 2015]

  2. This looks like an awesome program! They don’t have one near me but it looks like something I could almost start on my own. Surprisingly there are lots of families here in SW Florida (I thought it was mostly retirees when we moved down here) so I should look around and see if there is a similar group 🙂
    Becky @ Olives n Wine recently posted..Friday Favs

  3. Yay for working out with mommy’s! There was a Fit4Mom around when I lived in Boston. I meant to go to the free class but it was right before we moved so I kind of dropped the ball on it. There isn’t one where I live right now but there is No Excuses Mom, which I love because it’s free! It doesn’t always incorporate the stroller though. So Claire just sits in the stroller while I workout next to her which is sometimes difficult for a cranky baby.
    Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections recently posted..Currently // November 2015

  4. Love this!! I have been looking into stroller stride classes in my area! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. It sounds fun to involve baby and meet other moms at the same time
    Chelsea @ Simply Chelsea recently posted..BRB

  5. This sounds like so much fun. I am going to have to look into this. It is pretty close to us.
    Sarah Dudek recently posted..A Festive Holiday Cocktail: Apple Cider Margaritas

  6. This is so cute. little baby is enjoying his sleep. I can see his innoncess.


  1. […] and pack the diaper bag while the car is heating up. 9:00am – We leave the house to go to Stroller Strides and Allie falls asleep right away. 9:30am – Allie smiles and watches for the first 10 minutes […]

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