Weak Hips + Marathon Training

Weak Hips + Marathon Training

Monday started the first week of my training for the Chicago Marathon.

I met with my coach this past Sunday to go over my goals and training plan. Since I haven’t been running for the past month because of my Achilles tendon injury my plan has me starting off really slow. Here’s my plan for the week:

Monday: 20 minute easy run

Tuesday: 25 minute easy run

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday: 35 minute easy run

Friday: Rest day

Saturday: 45 minute easy run

Sunday: Rest day

It’s REALLY hard for me to go so slow. I’m usually a mile a minute type of girl but that’s what got me injured in the first place. I trust my coach and I’m going to listen to him. ๐Ÿ™‚

On Monday, my physical therapist put me on the treadmill to figure out what I’m doing that would cause an Achilles injury and IT band syndrome that I’ve had in the past. Turns out, I have a very good stride but I rotate my hips way too much, my upper body twists more than it should, and my knees dip in.

My therapist concluded that I have weak hips and my body has been compensating and relying on other muscles. So, he is having me do some exercises like the ones seen here, and different types of planks. I hope to be able to take some pictures of the exercises this weekend to show you guys.

In other news…I’m going to the Rihanna concert at the United Center tonight with my sister.

I haven’t really been a big Rihanna fan but I love concerts and how could I not have fun with my twin sis in Chicago?!

Saturday I’m going to the first-ever Nike 26.2 Preview. I’m looking forward to meeting local runners, representing the #ffcheer club, and checking out the latest Nike products. Click here for more information about the event.


Donโ€™t forget to enter my raffle to win Cubs tickets. Iโ€™m proud to be running with DetermiNation and Iโ€™m shooting to raise $1,000. Please consider supporting me with a donation. My Fundraising Page.

About Sara


  1. It’s great to know the cause of your injury. I’m convinced something in my stride might be causing a problem in my leg too.

    Running slow is hard. But it’s worth it to be completely healed.

    I’m also going to the Nike preview- at least for a little bit. I’m pretty excited about it.
    Xaarlin @ pain is nothing recently posted..Eye see you

  2. I just came across your blog, and I’m also a fellow Chicagoan! That’s so exciting that you are doing the Chicago marathon this year! I did it 3 years ago and it was seriously one of the best experiences of my life! Definitely start slow if you’ve been working through an injury. I injured myself during training for the marathon and had to have surgery afterwards…so its definitely good to be preventative ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy it!

    • Hi Enna, I’m glad you found my blog! Are you running Chicago this year?

      • I’m not doing Chicago this year sadly…marathons probably aren’t in my future anymore b/c of my injury….But I am doing the rock n’ roll half in august which should be fun!!

  3. Congrats on the training! I hate going slow, too, but I started out with super duper slow 2 mile runs after the docs told me I could never run again. Look at me now–I’m running half marathons! So trust them. You’ll get back to it! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Have the best time with your sis at the concert!!!

  4. Thanks for coming with me last night! Gotta go shoe shopping together ๐Ÿ™‚

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