Allison – 10 Month Update

Allison – 10 Month Update

Allie is 10 months old!

I’m in shock that my baby girl is already 10 months old – double digits! Now that summer is in full swing the days and weeks are going by even faster. That one year mark keeps creeping closer and closer and I’m not ready to stop calling her my baby. She’ll always be my baby girl. 🙂


What’s new this month:

  • her hair is finally growing in
  • she has two bottom teeth
  • she can go from lying to sitting and sitting to lying
  • she started to climb on things and pull herself up
  • she started swimming lessons


  • going to the pool – this is her favorite thing right now
  • eating ALL THE FOOD!
  • making crazy noises
  • she’s very nosy and loves people watching
  • smiling at everyone


  • that she can’t crawl forward
  • when I leave the room
  • when her meal is over

Things I want to remember:

  • The smiles when she sees mommy or daddy
  • Her laugh when I throw her in the air and catch her
  • The way she babbles when she gets tired
  • Her giggles from being tickled
  • How her eyes follow me around the room
  • The way she’s taking in all new info. You can see her brain just racing and learning

Eating: Our little girl is such a good eater! The amount of food she can fit into her stomach is crazy. She gets a 4-6 oz. bottles every 3-4 hours and eats 2-3 large meals a day. She’s really loving eggs, guacamole, and any and all fruit.

Sleep: She has been sleeping great at night, knock on wood. Besides for a few occasional night time feedings, she goes to bed at 6:30pm and wakes up around 5:00-5:30am. She’ll take a short morning nap in the car seat or stroller and then sleep for 2-3 hours in the afternoon. It’s been really nice to have 2-3 hours to myself during the day. I’m able to get so much more done now.

Allie (1)
She’s wearing size 4 diapers and 9 month clothes.

She loves shaking her toys and throwing them down on the ground. Her favorite book is Snuggle puppy- a little love song and she giggles every time I read it to her.

She is a very observant baby and also very social. She’ll smile at just about anyone who looks at her and will start smiling and craning her neck to engage people when they aren’t looking her way and she chatters up a storm with lots of high-pitched screeches.

Happy 10 Months, Allie! 

About Sara


  1. Man I wish I could sleep that much! It’s good that she takes that daytime nap so you can get stuff done! I have something in common with Allie – I also don’t like when my meal is over! She looks so happy in all of her pics and sounds like a social butterfly.

  2. Marcella says

    Great post!

  3. To be fair, I don’t like it when my meal is over, either. She may never grow out of that ;D
    What a lovely little girl you have, Sara! She is just precious.

  4. Snuggle Puppy! We love that one. All the Sandra Boynton books really – They are so cute!
    She looks like a very happy and sweet baby. And I am still calling my 2.5 year old my baby girl… They will ALWAYS be our baby girls. 🙂
    Kelly @ Noodle to the Rescue recently posted..Weekend in Breckenridge

  5. Aww she is so cute and getting so big! I’m glad to see your blog is back and that means updates again! Such a fun post to read 🙂
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  6. I can’t believe she’s 10 months already!

    I just had Baby #2 two weeks ago so I’m catching up in the blogosphere! Allow is beautiful as always and Snuggle Puppy is a very loved book in our house too ????

  7. So clearly that’s suppose to say Allie is beautiful as always!!
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  8. My daughter will be 11 months in a week and eats SO MUCH. I have no idea how she fits it all in there! Crazy. Almost 1!
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  9. Sweet girly girl! Double digits ohhh mmyyyyy gooooddnessss that is crazy!! Hooray for swimming lessons! How did that go?! Or how is it going?!
    Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted..A Fresh Start

  10. Simply adorable!!!

  11. She is so cute and growing so fast. Slow down baby!
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