Season of Change

Season of Change


Moving to the suburbs.

Getting married.

Quitting my job.

Going back to school.

Starting a new career.

A lot of big changes going on over here. Am I scared? Yes. Am I excited? Heck yeah!

I have big dreams and I’m going to make sure I turn my dreams into reality. Putting myself out there in new situations is scary, but doing nothing and not following my heart is even scarier.

For a long time I had ideas that never turned into anything. I’m now taking action steps every week to make sure I’m headed in the right direction. Sometimes it might be the wrong direction, but I’m learning and trying.

I’m scared of failure but I’m not going to let that hold me back.

Any big changes in your life? What fears are you facing? 

About Sara


  1. YAY! I’m so happy for you and so fortunate that I get to be a part of your journey. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! XO

  2. These are all amazing changes! What a scary/exciting time!
    Katie @ Live Half Full recently posted..Monday Motivation

  3. Going back to school?! Congrats! Where? What are you studying? Exciting girl, happy for you!
    Britt @ Chicago Runner Girl recently posted..Recoverin’ & Workin’

    • Britt…we need to get together and catch up! I’m going back to school to become a certified health coach and nutritionist. I want to help other runners not make the mistakes I’ve made.

  4. Big changes.. nothing like yours! I just moved, that was as big as things are for me. I think the major thing going on is my daughter growing up and interacting more! that is pretty gnarly 🙂

    Fears? Not keeping up with all the friends I’ve made over the last year from running!
    Declan recently posted..Did I Stop Running?

  5. Good luck!!

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